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What Gear You Need To Run With The Pack


Required Equipment to Play Lacrosse


For players just getting started in lacrosse, we know that finding the right equipment can be a bit confusing, and perhaps, even a little intimidating. It’s important to know that there are key differences in the required protective equipment between the boys’ and girls’ game, as well as between field players and goalies. 


Minimal equipment is required in girls’ and women’s lacrosse due to its non-contact nature. A stick, mouthguard and protective eyewear are the only required items for most players. Headgear and close fitting gloves are optional for field players.


Goalies are also required to wear a helmet with face mask, a separate throat protector, padded gloves and a chest protector.


Boys field players are required to use a helmet, stick, gloves, shoulder pads, arm pads, a mouthguard and a protective cup. Rib pads are optional.


Goalies are also required to wear a helmet with face mask, a separate throat protector, padded gloves and a chest protector.

**NOTE**Effective January 1, 2022, chest protector/pads for boys’ field players must be designed for lacrosse and meet NOCSAE standard ND200.


Helpful Links:

Retailers ( Unfortunately Lacrosse Equipment is limited in person here in Alabama):​

   Two Sports stores locally have a variety of Lacrosse gear: 


    Here are some Online only options that have great options:




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